Topic: "Warning: main(): URL file-access is disabled..."
"Warning: main(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/gccbfm/www/www/en/news/bb/incBbRecentPosts.php on line 3"
This is the error I got when I went to a site I recently put together ( ).
The following is my exchange with the webhost online support after I enquired about server config changes:
my post:
"Has there been a server configuration change? This site was working fine last time I checked but I am getting this error now:
"Warning: main(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/gccbfm/www/www/en/news/bb/incBbRecentPosts.php on line 3"
The punBB ( template file in the includes directory is used to customize the bb and any include files used must be kept in the root directory of the bb and included on the template using punBB custom tags (<pun_include "fileName.php">). In order to call recent posts, the bb uses a php file called 'extern.php' . That file requires actions appended to it though, so you end up with '...extern.php?action=online' or '...extern.php?action=new' etc. So, an absolute url is required in the include file to have a 'recent posts' box on other pages in the site.
Please help..."
The response from tech support:
"The Zend Optimizer has been upgraded today, and url file opening has been disabled due to recent exploits, found in the PHP. You can enable this for your site by placing a php.ini file in the folder where your script resides with these lines in it:
See … ample.html for an in-depth discussion of the issue.
If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us again."
I did place the ini file in the directory and the error has gone away, but is this something that I should be worried about from a security stand point?