1 (edited by Frank H 2005-01-21 13:48)

Topic: Tiny tiny tiny bug, redirect time ;)

When changing the redirect time in Admin-options ... it's using the old redirect time on the redirect that follows ...

but I'm not sure it's worhth adding that 1 row(that's probably needed?) ... I'm guessing the already loaded cache still holds the old values ... and isn't refreshed in update cache smile

I said it was tiny tiny tiny big_smile
(noticed it during bughunting of my mod, increased the redirect time to be possible to get a screenshots of the errors wink)

Re: Tiny tiny tiny bug, redirect time ;)

That actually applies to all redirect since they are made directly after any changes to the database. Fixing it won't be as easy as it sounds.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Tiny tiny tiny bug, redirect time ;)

hmm... yeah, just remembered the redirect doesn't take in a time variable ...

well then let this be ... I doubt ppl will complain wink

Re: Tiny tiny tiny bug, redirect time ;)

same thing applies when changing style in profile etc