Topic: root question

During the install you are instructed to put the config file in the root directory...
I created a directory to install PunBB called

Where I uploaded all the files (3 directories [docs, extras, upload] and one copy file) to me as I understand it this is my root directory... I uploaded my config file to my discuss folder and nothing is happening, and when I try of course nothing is happening because there is no index.php fiel in my directory. The index.php file seems to be inthe upload folder... is the upload folder the root directory????

Re: root question

you need to only upload the files inside the "upload" folder not the etire contents of the archive you downloaded. take the contents of the "upload" folder and upload those to your "discuss" directory then run the installer. after you run the installer and make your config.php file upload that to your "discuss" directory which is your "root" directory(for the forums NOT your site), then you should be able to run the forums then.

FluxBB - Less is more

Re: root question

I see said the blind man as he picked up the hammer and saw....

