1 (edited by Bengus 2005-04-20 16:17)

Topic: www.drillinggun.com/forum

An early,  simple implementation of the PunBB software www.drillinggun.com/forum.

Will soon try to migrate my old forum (www.wanergard.com/forum) to PunBB. Someone that have experience with migrating from XMB to PunBB? Looks like PunBB don't blob images to the database?

Best regards
Bengt Wanergard, Sweden


Re: www.drillinggun.com/forum

well, the current conversion tool doesn't support XMB, and punbb saves avatars as files, good luck with it smile

Re: www.drillinggun.com/forum

A friend of mine talked about a guy who is looking into writing an application aimed to transfer XMB 1.8 forums to PunBB. Sounds intreresting smile

Think I have to live with having all images in the file system instead of BLOBs in the DB. Never liked those BLOBs anyway.  Will write an report of HOWTO when I got hold of that application.

Best regards