1 (edited by briank 2005-05-05 09:23)

Topic: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

Whenever a certain moderator of mine posts or creates a thread. No one can view it, or at least not me. My entire site is up and running, but whenever I go to a few threads he's made or posted in, I can't get to them.

His user id is: "Nathan"
User Profile (that I can't access):
http://www.cobaltandcalcium.com/forum/p … php?id=139

Here are a few threads/posts he's created in (that i can't access):
http://www.cobaltandcalcium.com/forum/v … hp?id=1500
http://www.cobaltandcalcium.com/forum/v … hp?id=1501

Here are a few threads/posts he hasnt posted in:
http://www.cobaltandcalcium.com/forum/v … hp?id=1548
http://www.cobaltandcalcium.com/forum/v … hp?id=1549
http://www.cobaltandcalcium.com/forum/v … hp?id=1005

Seems like I have pin-pointed that it's him, and I can't see my own threads on my own board if this guy posts in them, and I can't even investigate to see if anything is in his signature or something that would cause something like this to happen.

Anyone have any ideas?

Edit: I can also go to page [2] of a thread he's created, just as long as he didnt post in it before. Could it be that this username got corrupted or something...somehow?

Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

Very weird. Perhaps you could find out what his signature contains via e.g. phpmyadmin? The query to run is:

SELECT signature FROM users WHERE username='Nathan'

If you use a table prefix, you'll have to include it before "users".

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

3 (edited by briank 2005-05-05 10:06)

Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

I transferred cpanel accounts from one host to another recently, and in my cpanel it doesnt even show that I have any active mysql databases, if I wanted to see what happened through phpmyadmin, I think i'd have to re-build the mysql database.

Is there any other way I can view what is in his signature? I'd be willing to give you FTP access, or cPanel access because this is a huge problem or exploit. sad

Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

You can use the DB management plugin on the download page. Enter the following in the SQL query box:

SELECT signature FROM #__users WHERE username='Nathan'

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

5 (edited by briank 2005-05-05 10:33)

Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

[.url=http://nathan.kicks-ass.org.][.img.]http://nathan.kicks-ass.org/img/logo.gif[./img.].[./url.] . [.url=http://nathan.kicks-ass.org.].GUERRILLA STUDIOS.[./url.]., biatch! NYU FILM, MANHATTAN

I added "dots" around his brackets to show you what his code is looking like so punbb won't just show you a link with text.

Err..maybe this thread should go in the bugs section? I have no idea what this is sad

Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

I notice he is using an invalid punBB bbcode combo, and he's trying to get an image in his signature to become an IMAGE LINK. Could this possibly be breaking the board?

Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

It doesn't cause a freeze up on mine

8 (edited by briank 2005-05-05 10:48)

Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

i just mirrored his signature and created a new username. As soon as I submitted my new signature (his), it wouldn't refresh the page. I then tried to create a thread here:

http://www.cobaltandcalcium.com/forum/v … hp?id=1586

and when I hit submit it wouldn't refresh it, and then i hit back on the index, and punbb managed to post the thread, but now I cannot preview it. Several other users have noticed this, not just me...that's how I pin-pointed the problem so quick.

Now....whats the PHPMyAdmin command through Connors DB Mod to delete a users signature?

UPDATE: I am now disabling BBCode/Image Code in my signatures. I can now view Nathan's threads/posts, as well as the thread above on the post I just made

9 (edited by Smartys 2005-05-05 10:49)

Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

UPDATE #__users SET signature = '' WHERE username='Nathan'

Did you install any mods that altered parser.php?


Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

Smartys wrote:

UPDATE #__users SET signature = '' WHERE username='Nathan'

Did you install any mods that altered parser.php?

There is a very good chance that my friend Kylan did. We have a mod that makes it so links are displayed in a new window, a mod where it will fix the bug where the marker dissapears after a thread has been seen in firefox, we added connors db mod, added punpoll, added User management - v1.3. We added a mod where it would only display a users signature once in each thread.

That is all I can think of.

Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

Well, I can't see anything wrong with the BBCode you posted above. The only thing out of the ordinary is the fact that http://nathan.kicks-ass.org/ does not even resolve.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

12 (edited by briank 2005-05-05 11:10)

Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

Yeah, this is very wierd. I know he hosts that website on his personal computer, and his computer is turned off right now. Oh well, I pin-pointed the problem and was able to disable his signature. I am now able to view all of his posts/threads.

I am guessing that this signature bug is caused by one of the mods is installed on my forum board.

Re: Browser locks up on one specific moderator

Yes, I would think so since your forums seem to be the only ones affected by the problem.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."