Topic: Yet another "I need feedback" topic =)
Guess you people are pretty tired of my "feedback wanted" topics by now?
Well, the thing is.. I've just recently set up a blog (wordpress) and I wanted to use PunBB for the forum. After some tweaking of the core files and stylesheets, I got the styles to look pretty much exactly the same on the main page & the forums..
I don't think I actually *need* a forum on a blog that nobody visits, but I installed it just the same. I enjoy making themes/styles, so if I can come up with any excuse, no matter how small, to set up a new site and start all over again I usually end up doing so
Let me know what you think of this one? Oh, and please keep in mind that this style is intended for a personal site, so it doesn't necessarily have to look "overly professional"