Topic: the 1st topic
From administration panel I create a new category and a new forum in it. Then I have an empty forum.
Now my question: HOW should I create THE FIRST topic?
It has to be very simple, but I can't see the 'New topic' anywhere.
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PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting → the 1st topic
From administration panel I create a new category and a new forum in it. Then I have an empty forum.
Now my question: HOW should I create THE FIRST topic?
It has to be very simple, but I can't see the 'New topic' anywhere.
And you have permissions to post in the new forum?
I guess so. I am logged as the administrator.
And I have set posting replies and topics for guests too.
I couldn't see 'New topic' text anywhere because I have changed some colors in Oxygen.css: text color was #FFFFFF and background was the same. The answer was simple and my problem stupid a bit.
Look on the bright side, it gave you the chance to introduce yourself.
Thanks. Bright side is ok, but must take care with too much bright (#FFFFFF I mean).
PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting → the 1st topic
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