1 (edited by felix 2005-06-13 20:09)

Topic: Website link (profile) not showing up in new site

I consider this a bug. I really don't want that by clicking a on a members website, the link opens in the same window. it should open in a new window! somewhere, a <target="_blank"> is missing. think it would be very easy to fix this, how can i do it manually?!?

Re: Website link (profile) not showing up in new site

target="_blank" is not valid xhtml, but you could add it to the source if you wanted, in profile.php and viewtopic.php


Re: Website link (profile) not showing up in new site

ok, adding target="_blank" was no prob in profile.php, but how do i do it in viewtopic.php?
is there no equivalent xhtml cmd for target="_blank" ?!


Re: Website link (profile) not showing up in new site

No there is no equivelant, the target attribute does not exist in the XHTML Strict DTD.  The idea is that the viewer should have the choice whether to open in a new window/tab or not plus controlling browser behaviour is the job of javascript not markup. Rather than using target it would be better if you just copied the inline javascript used to open the bbcode help links which you see at the bottom of post entry screens. That way your pages will still validate.

I'm moving this since it's not a bug report.


Re: Website link (profile) not showing up in new site

yeah, no prob. thx a lot for your info. but letting the user decide whether to open a link in a new window or not is a bit "risky". most users have no idea of what they are doing... smile
but the javascript explanation sounds quite logical

Re: Website link (profile) not showing up in new site

felix wrote:

ok, adding target="_blank" was no prob in profile.php, but how do i do it in viewtopic.php?
is there no equivalent xhtml cmd for target="_blank" ?!

I have some questions regarding this.. I also think is "bad" that the link opens in the same browser, this is for me very no-no

Secondly, where did you put target="_blank" in profile.php..(line) Did it work?