1 (edited by zaher 2005-07-15 16:23)

Topic: Some warning when using firefox/webdeveloper/

I use http://chrispederick.com/work/firefox/webdeveloper/

from last SVN copy

line 48 column 13 - Warning: nested emphasis <span>

viewtopic line 314

        <h2><span><span class="conr">#<?php echo ($start_from + $post_count) ?> </span><a href="viewtopic.php?pid=<?php echo $cur_post['id'].'#p'.$cur_post['id'] ?>"><?php echo format_time($cur_post['posted']) ?></a></span></h2>
-->I resolved as, but not it
        <h2><span class="conr">#<?php echo ($start_from + $post_count) ?> </span><span><a href="viewtopic.php?pid=<?php echo $cur_post['id'].'#p'.$cur_post['id'] ?>"><?php echo format_time($cur_post['posted']) ?></a></span></h2>

'line 55 column 41 - Warning: trimming empty <dd>'

viewtopic line 219

                        $user_avatar = '';
                        $user_avatar = ' ';
If your people come crazy, you will not need to your mind any more.


Re: Some warning when using firefox/webdeveloper/

Don't worry about it, that markup is obsolete.


Re: Some warning when using firefox/webdeveloper/

Oh, thanks
i used http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http% … %3DEnglish
and my site cleaned smile

If your people come crazy, you will not need to your mind any more.