Topic: punRPG?
I'm just throwing the idea out there... what if punBB had an RPG Game mod?
I added Guild Wars: rogueBATTLE to my website and it more than doubled my traffic. I imagine the same would happen for punBB's popularity... or most any punBB game forum... if there was a punRPG mod.
Now... I can't code my way out of a wet paper bag... but I do know of some coders at my website. I'm also not too bad at making graphics. I was kicking around the idea of an open source project. Instead of starting from scratch... why not just intergrate something into punBB? I think a punRPG project should have to have the same philosophy as punBB... streamlined... no bloat...
Oh... and no refreshing...
I hate web games that are constantly refreshing...
Anyway... what do you think? Should I start up a punRPG project?
Rickard Andersson... do you give the green light on this one?
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