Topic: Getting userlist.php error
Hi, I can't figure out how to get rid of this certain SQL syntax error when going to userlist.php.
File: /home/gamesour/public_html/boards/userlist.php
Line: 157PunBB reported: Unable to fetch user list
Database reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'BY username ASC LIMIT 0, 50' at line 1 (Errno: 1064)
Now, I've found Line 157, but I can't make out any syntax error, although I'm a newbie when it comes to SQL syntax. Line 157 is:
$result = $db->query('SELECT, u.username, u.title, u.num_posts, u.registered, g.g_id, g.g_user_title, g.g_color FROM '.$db->prefix.'users AS u LEFT JOIN '.$db->prefix.'groups AS g ON g.g_id=u.group_id WHERE>1'.(!empty($where_sql) ? ' AND '.implode(' AND ', $where_sql) : '').'ORDER BY '.$sort_by.' '.$sort_dir.' LIMIT '.$start_from.', 50') or error('Unable to fetch user list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
Because the error mentions the "near 'BY username ASC LIMIT 0, 50'" I'm guessing the error is near the only BY I see, along with the 50, so that's why that area is below as well. All help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
'ORDER BY '.$sort_by.' '.$sort_dir.' LIMIT '.$start_from.', 50')