Topic: Using ShortStat

Hi guys!

I would like to use ShortStat to monitor my punbb forum.

I should put this line:

<?php @include_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/shortstat/inc.stats.php"); ?>

at the top of every page in the forum. Any idea which file should I change?

Many thanks in advance!

Re: Using ShortStat

Just include it into your 'config.php' file.


Re: Using ShortStat

Can we also place it in the template file or does main.tpl does not accept php?


Re: Using ShortStat

You can place your php scripts into /include/user/

Then call them from main.tpl like so:
<pun_include "stats.php">


Re: Using ShortStat

Thanks hcgtv. I think that that did it!

Re: Using ShortStat

i added mine(raw stat code) to main.tpl and got a HUGE amount of info from my traffic. but hcgtv's way seems a bit cleaner.

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