Topic: Line above signature


I'm trying to change the color of the line above the sig, but I'm getting confused. I included this CSS, but it's not showing:

DIV.postsignature {border-top-color: #FFFFFF}

Here is the link:

If someone can guide in the right direction I'd be delighted. I most be doing something wrong, but can't find what! Thanks.

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Re: Line above signature

The line above the signature is an <hr />

Re: Line above signature

That's what I understood in the first place. Here is the complete code I've tried:

/* 2.3 This is the line above the signature in posts. Colour and background should be the same */
DIV.postsignature {border-top-color: #FFFFFF}

Only after getting no change through .pun HR I tried another approach. However, no one had an effect!

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Re: Line above signature

Works fine for me though you should remove the postsignature line.

Maybe one of the other stylesheets on that page is conflicting. Try
.pun div.postsignature hr {} or
#punwrap .pun div.postsignature hr {}

Re: Line above signature

Paul, thanks for your help. Still not working with those suggestions, unfortunately. sad

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Re: Line above signature

If you look your stylesheet style.css has hr {display: none}. That would pretty much kill it. If you don't want to alter style.css then you could just try to override it.

.pun hr {
  display: block;
  color: #fff;
  background-color: #fff