Topic: How to prevent skin changing?

Hi fellas, I've noticed that the skin looks different while just surfing as a guest, but once you login, the skin changes. Of couse, you(as a member) can alter that effect through settings, but I really want just ONE skin for both login and guest surfing. So, what should I do? Delete the unwanted skins? Or is there any option on CP to turn off skin chaning for all members?

Is there any mod to show the smilies than hiding them under one link(code link that is). Because. I want newb surfers to use smilies affectively(lol) rather than the usual smile tongue sad or clicking the code link to see for other available smilies. Same goes for Bold/undeline/indent etc. Is there any mod to show them directly above post box? I want it to look like fully functional post box.

I'm a complete newb please help me out.
On a different subject, why did PunBB not release calendar, poll etc as a one complete package? :S

Becuase Calendar 2.X (most recent one) doesn't support 2.7 or 2.9(just updated just now).

Thanks guys. Cheers!

Re: How to prevent skin changing?

define a default skin(Admin > Options > "Default style") for all members and then just delete the rest of the skins in the  "Style" folder. also you might have to use Connor's plugin to change everyones skin to match the default one to save any headaches late on. find that here:

FluxBB - Less is more

Re: How to prevent skin changing?

Now thats a quickie, Doc! :X Thanks a lot.

Any idea about smilie/bold letter etc. -> I mean -  full post box option thingy?


Re: How to prevent skin changing?

For smilies and bold lettering etc you want a mod called "EasyBB Code". It can be downloaded from smile

Re: How to prevent skin changing?

yeah I found that one searching yesterday. Thanks anyway smile

Re: How to prevent skin changing?

Iron Maiden fan, are you? smile

Parimal Satyal - Powermetal from Nepal

Re: How to prevent skin changing?

oh yeah Iron Maiden rocks!!