931 How to install a extension?

by Therminator007

932 got an error

by SuperMAG

935 admin menu

by kierownik

936 admin/index.php

by lie2815

937 Rewrite -> Bad request

by Cinquante

938 User defined signs

by lie2815

940 Google Indexing

by StevenBullen

942 Quote link for Guests

by qubertman

943 Read board permission

by qubertman

944 Maintenance mode

by Gizzmo

945 Wish list

by Lucas Malor ( Pages 1 2 )

946 feeds to all forum content

by pedrotuga ( Pages 1 2 3 )

947 language for installation

by lie2815

948 MySQL set names fix

by lexazloy

950 Silent edit

by Zeroke

951 When is 1.3 going to be released?

by kure ( Pages 1 2 )

952 BBCode & Quote

by qubertman

953 admin problems

by lie2815

955 Why no Ajax?

by Lucas Malor ( Pages 1 2 )

956 Userlist

by qubertman

958 Register - Adjust for DST

by qubertman

959 Search hooks

by qubertman

960 change layout

by raptrex