1 (edited by Geoffrey 2007-09-18 21:08)

Topic: RANT (PunnBB 1.3)

First off, let me start by saying this:
I appreciate HIGHLY how much work development has put into this, and how they, the development team work for free. (As I understand it)

Summary of post
It's called PunBB 3. (www.punbb.info/three/) Basically, too overwhelming with links, 'Back to Top' and whatever else you can imagine, not to mention the total pointlessness of some of the features, they still havn't managed to add a PM system. Yay?
Please read on, especially Smartys who I know will understand the post, move it to some other forum, and shout at me. I love you too man.

After viewing PunBB v1.3 (www.punbb.info/three/) I was VERY dissapointed - so much so that I will NOT be upgrading and, if everything goes well and there is no objection, will be starting off/joining a PunBB v1.2 support group. (Since support for 1.2 is likely to be more or less 'discarded'.)
Anyway, here are my main points (Keeping in mind I'm talking about VERSION 3)
_ "PunBB is a fast and lightweight PHP-powered discussion board...ts primary goals are to be faster, smaller and less graphically intensive as compared to other discussion boards..."
I can only assume that Rikard is having a 'Giraffe', so to speak. Just by looking at the main page, there are such un needed links, for a light-weight board. (Light weight and simple being the only reasons why I switched)
(Don't beleive me about the links? I may be wrong, nay, I am probably wrong since all I know is HTML, but what the hell are these:
. Skip to Forum Content
. Skip to Forum Navigation
. You are here: My PunBB forum navigational bar
. New 'Who's Online?' Seperator between posts and users.
. Yet AGAIN, another USELESS 'You are here' navigation bar)
. Hah, you're gonna pretend that you've read all this when you aint. Really? You're not? Post it.

_ Now for Administration/Profile.
Alright, so apart from the looks, it's pretty much the same (but don't quote me on this, I had a quick browse and that's it)

_ Onto the threads themselves
First thing I notice: A new bar. Helps moderators moderate and users...well use(?) but (and I quote) "I don't like that one". I say keep it how it was - yeah, so it's a bit out the way and I'm most likely the only one to say this, but whatever trevor.

_ 'Back to Top'
How many times has this been used throughout the site?? Why? Maybe one or two after long pages, but please remove a load of them.

_ 'Too many 'graphics''
So they're not pictures, but (well this is hard to explain and I'm just going to embarass myself, so if you really want to know, PM me)...

KEEP IT SIMPLE! KEEP IT MINIMAL, YET NOT SO MINIMAL AS THE LAST! (As in, add a frikin' PM system at least)

Alright, so as my post is coming to an end and we all realise how crap my post actually was, and how much everyone is actually going to disagree with me (and the slow realisation that I've actually posted about nothing much) you've got to see my point of view.
Thanks for reading this, and I'm sorry for however much time I've wasted off your life.
Oh and thanks again to the developers, I know you're just tryna improve our lifes, but I'm sticking with v1.2 forever

PS: This is the longest post I've ever wrote. Gd jobe miy ritin skilz aint so bad.

Re: RANT (PunnBB 1.3)

First off, it's PunBB 1.3, not PunBB 3 wink
Second off, considering the code is not yet even in an alpha testing stage, this is very premature criticism. If I were you, I would wait until we actually release it as a download before you evaluate it wink
Third off, that is static HTML generated from an old copy of PunBB 1.3 from SVN. It is, by my guess, at least several months old. The back to top links, for example, no longer exist.

On that note, I'm closing this topic. If you would like to write another evaluation, as premature as it would be, feel free to do so. Please, however, make sure that you're using the latest version from SVN and not one several months old.