Topic: Installing & transferring punBB

I need help!  I made the switch from one webhost to another a couple of months ago with hopes that I would be able to convert my punBB 1.2.14 forum to the script favored by the new host (SMF).  Yes.  Call me disloyal...but try as I might, I have not figured out how to do so; nor have I been able to find someone on the host's help forums who can tell me how to do it.  Consequently, I have decided to return to punBB...and therein lies my new problem.   

I am looking for some step-by-step instructions written in simple English if possible (to say that I'm a newbie to webhosting is a gross overestimate) for how to do the following:  Install punBB, transfer the forum database now sitting in a zip file on my computer into it, and then get it up and running as it used to on my former host. 

I will be forever indebted if anyone can offer me some guidance.


Re: Installing & transferring punBB

OK install a fresh copy of punbb on your host, i presume you know this as you have done it before wink
so you need to have the forum set up and running to continue:

Now for the next bit, we need to know what database managment software you are using, I might be PHPmyadmin??

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

Re: Installing & transferring punBB

Actually, I have no idea how to do that since I've moved from a host who totally controlled everything about my site from soup to nuts to one that I myself must configure, manage, maintain, etc via a Control Panel.  So I'm starting from scratch except that I have both an installation package for punBB 1.2.14 and a zip file of my forum database sitting on my computer.

I do have phpMyAdmin in my C-Panel...although not a clue about what to do with it.

Is there any hope for me at all?
