Topic: search user's topics

yikes 2 questions in one week...

While searching for other solutions, i found one for a question i asked nearly a year ago. But there's something i can't get right.

I use this mod: search user topics, but the link isn't visible in the profile of other users. It is for me (as admin), it is in user's own profile, but it's not visible for users in other users profiles, and that's what i want.

Can anybody help me and explain what i can change in (i guess??) this part of the code:

//MOD:search user threads
if ($pun_user['g_id'] == PUN_ADMIN)
    $posts_field = '<label>'.$lang_common['Posts'].'<br /><input type="text" name="num_posts" value="'.$user['num_posts'].'" size="8" maxlength="8" /><br /></label><p><a href="search.php?action=show_user&user_id='.$id.'">'.$lang_profile['Show posts'].'</a><br /><a href="search.php?action=show_user_topics&user_id='.$id.'">'.$lang_profile['Show topics'].'</a></p>'."\n";
else if ($pun_config['o_show_post_count'] == '1' || $pun_user['g_id'] < PUN_GUEST)
    $posts_field = '<p>'.$lang_common['Posts'].': '.$user['num_posts'].' - <a href="search.php?action=show_user&user_id='.$id.'">'.$lang_profile['Show posts'].'</a><br /><a href="search.php?action=show_user_topics&user_id='.$id.'">'.$lang_profile['Show topics'].'</a></p>'."\n";
    $posts_field = '<p><a href="search.php?action=show_user&user_id='.$id.'">'.$lang_profile['Show posts'].'</a><br /><a href="search.php?action=show_user_topics&user_id='.$id.'">'.$lang_profile['Show topics'].'</a></p>'."\n";

so the link to user's topics is visible for all users? Or is there an other part of the code what i have to edit?

2 (edited by Marianne 2008-01-03 19:01)

Re: search user's topics

I found the solution myself.
Somewhere around line 964 in profile.php change this part:

$posts_field .= (($posts_field != '') ? ' - ' : '').'<a href="search.php?action=show_user&user_id='.$id.'">'.$lang_profile['Show posts'].'</a>';


$posts_field .= (($posts_field != '') ? ' - ' : '').'<a href="search.php?action=show_user&user_id='.$id.'">'.$lang_profile['Show posts'].'</a> <br /> <a href="search.php?action=show_user_topics&user_id='.$id.'">'.$lang_profile['Show topics'].'</a>';