Topic: [Sub Forum Mod] Automated creation of sub-forums
We have integrated our website with punbb.(Registration & login/logout)
What we're trying to do now is the following.
We have implemented the Sub Forum Mod to our punbb forum and are trying to automatically add new sub-forums. The reason for this is that users on our website can create projects. Other users can join those projects. What we intend to do is automatically create a new sub-forum every time a user creates a new project. So that is goal 1.
Goal 2 is that once other users have joined an existing project they can enter the sub forum. Though if they have not joined a particular project, then they are not allowed to enter the sub-forum of that particular project.
So my questions regarding this are as follows:
1) Where should i look to see how (Sub)-Forums are created, so that i can automate the process. (Where is the code for that, in which file and around which line?)
2) When a user tries to enter a sub-forum i want to execute a piece of PHP code that pulls the names of users out of our database which have joined that particular project and then match those names against the name of the logged in user that tries to enter the particular sub-forum and in that way determine if he/she may enter the sub-forum or not.
In order to do this i need to know where the code is positioned that handles a user entering a sub-forum. Once i know that i might be able to add to that code. Does anyone happen to know in what file that code is handled and around which line?
3) Can anyone provide me with advice/tips regarding this in general?