Topic: migration from 1.2.17 -> 1.3-Beta test report
i wanted to test moving my forums to the 1.3-Beta so i have some experience before 1.3 is officially released. here's a description of my setup and what i did.
host: OpenBSD/i386 running 4.0-current. PHP 4.4.1, MySQL 5.0.24a-log, chrooted apache+mod_security. i am using a mod_security setup that someone here recommended a while ago.
i fetched Revision 1552: /branches/punbb-1.3-dev to try out.
o setup 1.3-dev as if it were brand-new. tested, and it looked OK
o made sure my production forums were quiescent and ran `mysqldump -u db_user -p --databases database_name > foo.sql`
o edited foo.sql and changed the name of the database to `migrationtest`
o ran mysql -u db_admin -p < foo.sql
o copied db_update.php into the punbb $HOME, and fixed up permissions
o ran db_update.php through a web-browser
o waited a while
o when finished, i removed db_update.php and pointed my browser at the new test forum
might have missed a few steps, but this is a basic idea.
everything looks great! thanks for all the hard work. i will be looking at the new features and providing any feedback i can.
transition went flawlessly, although i haven't moved any of my extensions over yet. i will be looking at the compatibility thereof later on.