Topic: subject reply:

Hi all, I notice in my Private Messaging, I have the option to change the title in the subject line when replying to a message. This option however is not available in my standard forum posting. How do I change my post.php or whatever to allow this.



Re: subject reply:

Has anyone an answer to this question ????




Re: subject reply:

Hi Rich,

The first message of a thread goes into the topics file, which has a subject field. Every subsequent message goes into the posts file, which doesn't have a subject field.

So you're looking at more that a php file change, you'd also need to affect the database. I don't know how you would go about it, there may be a mod at Punres?

Re: subject reply:

Hi Bert, thanks for replying, I have been looking around but cannot see anything. I am not very savvy on code, but how come it works with the Instant Messaging Mod then ?




Re: subject reply:

In the Private Messaging mod by Connor, he creates a messages file that has a subject:

$sql = 'CREATE TABLE '.$db->prefix."messages (
                    id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                    owner int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    subject VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                    message TEXT,
                    sender VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                    sender_id int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    posted INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    sender_ip VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                    smileys TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
                    status TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    showed TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    PRIMARY KEY (id)
                    ) TYPE=MyISAM;";