Topic: hellp ERROR: column "New Category" does not exist .

The error occurred on line 420 in /web/www/lygbbs/include/dblayer/pgsql.php

Database reported: ERROR: column "New Category" does not exist .

database PostgreSQL

Re: hellp ERROR: column "New Category" does not exist .

Please describe the conditions when this error occurs in the most detailed way possible.

3 (edited by AntonR 2008-08-18 13:01)

Re: hellp ERROR: column "New Category" does not exist .

PunBB Installation error
  Can you unless they?
  Database type  PostgreSQL

Re: hellp ERROR: column "New Category" does not exist .

The error described by you really exists.
We will try to find out the reasons for that and will inform you about the results.
Thank you for reporting the error.