Topic: Admin error screens not stripping out main.tpl CSS...

I'm seeing a weird error. I've updated main.tpl to encapsulate my site around the forum. This works in 99% of the cases.

Normally when administering the board, the wrapper content is stripped (showing a very simple large fonted version of the current skin), but without the site 'wrapper' content & CSS. This also works in 99% of the cases.

The issue is the exception. When there is an admin error like the timeout error, then it shows some of the main.tpl wrapper content, save for the wrapper CSS, and just looks horrible.

Is there a way around this? Sounds like a bug, where the admin error template is not stripping out the wrapper content when there is an admin error, different than how it normally would on admin screens.

Re: Admin error screens not stripping out main.tpl CSS...

For administration console there is another template - admin.tpl. Do you changed it?

Re: Admin error screens not stripping out main.tpl CSS...

No, I haven't. So it would seem for admin errors (like the above) the main.tpl is being used (but stripped of css?)

Re: Admin error screens not stripping out main.tpl CSS...

When the error appears, try to validate html and css codes of the page on and Maybe you missed something, when you changed template.

5 (edited by Casemon 2008-11-24 18:33)

Re: Admin error screens not stripping out main.tpl CSS...

Hi Slavok,

I tried the validators you suggested; the html validator passed 100%. The css validator seems to be broken right now, site returns a single line: "Servlet has thrown exception:javax.servlet.ServletException: Timed out" (there are no servlets on my page so this must be the validator's error)

It's interesting. Why do the error pages for admin use the main.tpl and the other admin pages use admin.tpl? I think this is the part of the problem.

If it helps, this is one of the error pages that exhibits the behavior; … ion=adddel

- Replace with your site's v1.3 punBB forum address.
- Make sure you're logged in as an admin.