Topic: How do I change some text & add post count?

Hi I I have 2 questions please:

1. Where in the code does it say "You are not logged in."?
want to change it to say something else.

2. How can I display the users post count?

I went to the control panel >> Options >> User post count 
Show the number of posts a user has made (affects topic view, profile and userlist).

and selected yes, but it still doesnt show

thanks smile

Re: How do I change some text & add post count?

1. All forum-notes are stored in lang-arrays. For every forum page there is a file with associative array. Files are placed in the "lang/<USER_LANGUAGE>/" directory. User's default language is English. To edit the "You are not logged in." note, open the "lang/English/common.php" file, and find the "Not logged in" key in the array.
2. Showing the number of posts works for me. What is the version of your forum?

Re: How do I change some text & add post count?

thanks a lot. my version is: PunBB 1.2.17