Topic: I need to make signature a different font style

I need to choose a differen font face/style/colour.
How can I achieve this please?
Thanks smile

Re: I need to make signature a different font style

[ color=hexvalue]? Example: [ color=#FF0000] (red)

Re: I need to make signature a different font style

I think he mean to change default attributes in css wink

YonasH's repository + Extensions Directory = PunBB Extensions Online Library (in progress....)

Away. I will be back soon.

Re: I need to make signature a different font style

In that case,

font-family: serif; /* or your favorite font */
color: #F00; /* or your favorite color in word form or hex (or rgb, etc.) */
/* and any style you want to apply to the signature box */

Re: I need to make signature a different font style

sorted, thanks a lot.
Yes I meant which CSS should I change. It turned out to be obvious, I should have been able to find that, sorry smile