Topic: almost ready, we just need staff! is a free, staff-maintained, anime database community where registered users can direct download their favorite HQ ANIME EPISODES. has been in private production for a little over half a year, but now feels like it is soon ready to open to the public so that our service may be tested. We currently have over 100 anime series, 20+ Ongoing anime's which are updated daily (all of which are provided in easy to navigate interface for high quality direct download). Our list includes, but not limited to: Code Geass, Death Note, Elfen Lied, Darker than Black, Hajime no Ippo, Soul Eater, Kenshin + OVAs, Yu Yu Hakusho, and way more.
The current administration consists of myself, and co-founder aeclasik. We are currently looking for some experienced moderators and helpers that enjoy anime and would not mind participating in our forums, fetching the latest episodes of animes, or creating graphics such as banners, and icons for us before we officially launch this Weds on August 26th, 2009.
If you are interested, post in the apply forum