Topic: Two minor problems : Adjusting the timezone and a Code problem...

Hi there,

First of all well done on the forum. It's just what I was looking for: much faster and more straightforward than phpBB.

Now I've installed it here on my website:

It seems to be working fine but there are two thing I was hoping for help with.

Firstly, can I adjust the overall time zone of the forum. My server is in Californa (about 9 hours behind where I am). I went into the Admin panel and changed the time zone in "options" but this only applied to me. When I logged out and visited the site the posting I had made was being shown as the wrong time again.

Is there some way of fixing this so that everyone sees the same (right) time.

Secondly, the following line keeps appearing at the top of my screen at various times (eg. when I choose login):


It's not really causing any problems with the script I don't think, but it would be great if I could get it to go away!

Thanks again for the forum script and I hope you can help me out with these problems.


Re: Two minor problems : Adjusting the timezone and a Code problem...

blobert wrote:

Firstly, can I adjust the overall time zone of the forum. My server is in Californa (about 9 hours behind where I am). I went into the Admin panel and changed the time zone in "options" but this only applied to me. When I logged out and visited the site the posting I had made was being shown as the wrong time again.

Is there some way of fixing this so that everyone sees the same (right) time.

The Options section in the admin panel sets the server time (in your case, California time).  The members' profiles allow them to select the timezone they are in so that the time displays correctly for them.  As far as guests, there is no way to set the time zone that they see so that it is correct for them - they will see the server time when they view the forum.  Sorry. sad

Re: Two minor problems : Adjusting the timezone and a Code problem...

The timezone problem is as far as I know basically unsolvable.

Regarding the onLoad-thing. Have a look at your main.tpl and make sure the body tag looks like this:


Dreamweaver has a tendency to remove one of the > at the end of the line.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Two minor problems : Adjusting the timezone and a Code problem...

Thanks for the help guys.

Thats a shame about the timezone thing but I suppose it's not too bad.

On my second question:

You were right, the > was missing. I added it in but I'm still getting this message when I sign in or post a message:


and just this ">" up the top of the screen the rest of the time.

Any ideas?



Re: Two minor problems : Adjusting the timezone and a Code problem...

Are you using Dreamweaver to edit the template? If so, don't. Use a text editor.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Two minor problems : Adjusting the timezone and a Code problem...


That seems to have done it. Damn Dreamweaver.

Anyway the whole thing seems to be running fine now.

Thanks Rickard for the help and for the forum script.


Re: Two minor problems : Adjusting the timezone and a Code problem...

Hey i'm using dw too, but never had that problem... lucky me smile