Topic: HELP WANTED IN making a language pack
punbb translators, Could any of you help me in a tough spot,because i got stuck in translating punbb 1.3.4 to bangla. bangla or bengali what ever you pronounce it, it contains rather strange characters(for you guys). These are utf 8(or unicode) characters and seem to be supported by punbb 1.3.4 in all other sections except the 'location' section(s). Its the section which is at the top and bottom of almost every page in the forum. Where it says like 'john's profile' or 'forum>topic>xxyyzz' . I have translated these just like other parts of the forum but for some reason they are not 'transformed' into bangla. For example the translation in code like '&# 0123 ;(without the spaces,togather)' is on other sections 'transformed(what ever you call it)' into bangla characters when in a web server being viewed(the forum) by web browsers. but in 'location(s)' section it is not 'transformed!?' but shown as is '&# 0123 ; '. It is a big ang very ugly looking line and is displayed almost everywhere. So i seriously need help in translating this.I hope to be helped by specially the japanese translator because i have seen that this langpack also works by 'transformation!!' from utf 8 to complex font or 'weird characters'. I will be greatfull for Any help.. Thanks in advanced.