Topic: Deleting spammers posting via proxies - using as email
On my website I've got a spammer posting 30-40 replies to topics... daily... I have guest posting enabled BUT
I also have pun_approval activated and actually just go to phpmyadmin (as there's no deleting of multiple message at a time in pun_approval) and delete them a dozen at a time there (3 seconds work)...
But what I'd like to do is query a list of @domain addresses (.txt or .csv) so that posts emanating from those domains I choose and add to list are automatically deleted... Reason --> This particular spammer just uses email addresses - so not even possible...? (it's just, isn't it?)
So something LIKE this in a manifest... ? (based on Grez's URL Checker extension...)
function domaincheck($domain, &$errors, $text = "") {
global $ext_info, $forum_user, $forum_db, $forum_url;
$filename = $ext_info['path'].'/domains.csv';
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$content = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
don't know how to implement the deleting though...