1 (edited by mitchelacardo 2013-06-05 17:24)

Topic: add text message on homepage and another piece of text user lists?

Hello Because it is bad for seo <------ really bad to have the profiles, home page and userlists as they are in punbb i wanted to know how i can add a simple message box or something at the top of the homepgae that bascally could be something that expands via a +


What is our forum about+

*expands box*

Our forum is for discussion about blahaha where you can talk to people about........

And the same for userlists

About our users +

*expand box*

Our users are great because........ blahaha

I dont want these messages for example the home page about to be on every forum page just the homepage index only and same with the userlist message

Also is there any way possible to add the ability for a 300-400 word about me for profiles as profiles seem a little dupilcate content too with the same things repeated... (if lots of people use punbb this duplicate content isnt just on your site but many as well)

Adding these would vastly improve rankings in search engines as it would help eliminate the amount of duplicate content and empty pages that google and search engines dont like

Has anyone got any ideas?


Also the message box obviously has to be view able by a google bot as other wise it is worthless

Edit:Okay iv added some code so i can now have a text box in userlist and also on homepage i have added some text only on homepage aswell using a announcement but does any one know how to create about me on profile now? thanks