Topic: email notify the admin

I'm using punbb as a tech support/faq. Users can post problems and I or other users respond with solutions.

The problem is, I forget to check the board and don't have the time to do so several times a day.

Is there some way to have the system email the admin account when a new post is made? If not, any chance of it in a future release?


2 (edited by Dr.Jeckyl 2004-07-07 20:05)

Re: email notify the admin

you could subscribe to the topics, but that would mean you have to see the topic to begin with and may not be what you are looking for. sorry if this doesn't help.

FluxBB - Less is more

Re: email notify the admin

I'm considering a "Subscribe to forum" feature for 1.2. I just have to put my foot down somewhere or 1.2 will be released in 2010.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: email notify the admin

Dr. Jeckyl, thanks for the suggestion. I'll use it for the current topics, but of course a user positng a new topic causes an issue.

Rickard, subscribe to forum...that sounds like it could be a winner for what I need to do.

Re: email notify the admin

I'm in the same position as knight01.  I use punbb for a support forum which is used infrequently.  I probably only get 1 new topic a month, so I often miss new topics.  Are there still plans for a subscribe to forum feature?


Re: email notify the admin

I've made a mod that lets you subscribe to a forum. Install it and you should get a notification each time a topic is posted smile