Topic: modding punbb for my site.
ive finally got the inpiration to start a new site. basicly i want to let designers (signatures and such) upload or link their artwork on my site. members could rank artwork and comment giving suggestions and pointers. although the upload section and forums would look different they could actually be the same thing.
i know something like this would actually require quite a bit of work and i figure a well modified version of punbb would be well suited for the job. im sure rickard did a much better job coding a posting system than i could ever hope to acheeve.
i was wondering if anybody had other suggestions as to how i could pull this off. i was thinking i could create a forum topic that isnt visible in the regular portion of the forum by modifiying the sql statement. then use a second viewtopic.php and viewforum.php to display the images ect. i want the comments under the images to have all the same features and benefits of using the forum just not look like it. of coruse i would still include rickards link down at the bottom of everything.
thanks for any tips.