Topic: Smtp server config

My DSL provider, Bellsouth, has closed outbound port 25 traffic. So my Debian box running Exim stopped working, so I chnaged the settings in the Admin section to use the Bellsouth smtp server with username and password.

I tested it by sending a message to myself from the admin section, this is the error I get:
Error: Unable to send e-mail. Please contact the forum administrator with the following error message: "502 Command is locally disabled ".

Is this a config issue or is Bellsouth giving me an error?


Re: Smtp server config

ISPs usually only allow sending of email on their SMTP servers by people on their I.P range. I'd just switch exim over to port 26 or something and tell PunBB to use that port


Re: Smtp server config

Changing ports might be the way to go, I'll try that.