I'm one of the 2 Server Administrators / Programmers at ZaanZone.nl, we've got everything as optimized as possible and it's not the forum that's costing the most load on the server(s).. Our mainsite is the problem for this..
To be honest I didn't even know we submitted zaanzone to the PunBBiglist... I'm curious if the punbbig.php is settled on our server
.. Anyways,
We do have some other problems with the forum I would like to discuss with you Rikard, so if you could give me a different way I could contact you in some "private" manner, then please mail this to deimos@zaanzone.nl
In my opinion PunBB is one of the best out there, a lot better then PhPBB etc. We tried those and it cost about 10 gig of datatraffic a day, which is not affortable for a forum..
Well Rikard, I certainly hope you will supply a way I could contact you.. Since I allready tried this a few times I know you're a hard one to catch