1 (edited by abclf 2004-10-01 17:46)

Topic: conversion from miniBB : how to ?

Hello !

First : very nice script : same kind as miniBB with usefull options : I want to test !
So, here is my question : i have a site with a board powered by miniBB (multiple forums).

Two : I have installed a punBB in a test directory.
So I have the 2 forums in my site.
Now I would like to convert my data from miniBB.

Three : I have downloaded the conversion tool but i don't know what to do next :
where do I copy the conversion script ?
what does the conversion script do to my data ?
(it's important : does the conversion tool affect the original miniBB tables or does the conversion tool first copy and then transform to the new punBB tables. Please understand my question (sorry for my broken english) : in fact I'm interested in a step by step how to about conversion.

Four : Thanks for your help,


2 (edited by abclf 2004-10-01 20:57)

Re: conversion from miniBB : how to ?

I'm back :
so I have readen the posts concerning the conversion from phpbb to punbb and i have understood in what way using the tool.

So, I have a problem : it doesn't work for me :

I go to the miniBB index : ok
I fill in what is requested : ok
I click start converter : not ok

what's wrong :
difficult to say, it is very quick :
so, the orignal punbb tables (with original test forum) are cleaned, I see a message that I can't read (i think it is the state of the conversion) and just after (1 second) i come back to converter settings page.
Back to zero and nothing converted.

I need idea and some help, thanks.

More information :

I paused the script by stopping the process in internet explorer annd here is the message :

Page: _posts (1)

Converting posts: 0...
2 ()
3 ()
6 ()
7 ()
8 ()
9 ()
10 ()
11 ()
12 ()
13 ()
14 ()


97 ()
98 ()
99 ()
100 ()
101 ()
104 ()
105 ()
107 ()
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116 ()
118 ()

Re: conversion from miniBB : how to ?

I think we'll let Chacmool, the guy who wrote the converter, answer this.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: conversion from miniBB : how to ?

Hello Rickard,

Fine, I will patient for his advice.
(Thanks for the information.)


5 (edited by abclf 2004-10-04 00:07)

Re: conversion from miniBB : how to ?

So, I have tried to do the job at home (localhost)with a test database.
MiniBB version is 1.7

First, please note the miniBB forum works fine. All the tables are minibb_ prefixed, and all is in a single one database. PunBB was installed and tested (new message ok, logging ok ; i didn't create a new forum : just used the test one automatically created by the install process).

So, i put the miniBB conversion tool in the punbb folder (renamed : test) and I fill in what is requested : I don't thinj I do mistake : I have no error at the screen.
But here, as with my distant site, the process dont do anything : white page, same message, very quick, and nothing converted.
In fact : the punBB data are erased (OK), the admin (me) is OK (I can log in and access the admin panel), but there is no one forum.

One the page of the script, same list :

Page: _posts (1)

Converting posts: 0...
2 ()
3 ()
6 ()
7 ()
8 ()

(I cut)

116 ()
118 ()
(and ablack line here) 

Please, Chacmool (or anybody having done the conversion with success), I need some help.

Thanks for reading,

Re: conversion from miniBB : how to ?

I'll help you.

It's odd that you don't get an error-message... What is the black line? Do you mean the bottom line or is it something else?

7 (edited by abclf 2004-10-04 17:50)

Re: conversion from miniBB : how to ?

Hello Chacmool,

no error message and, I suppose, there is a bottom line at the bottom of the list. I suppose the script fails at the beginning : i see the first informations (about adding guest) but all is as it stops just after.

Do you need the url to test/see it by yourself (by email) ? It might be useful ?
The conversion script is on my site, punbb and minibb too, it's pretty easy.

Thank you,
