Topic: PunBB website...

Rickard I like you website style/layout a lot.
Did you use any site builder package to create it, or is it just a simple php  running
Is there any change that we can get the tool that is running the site?

Thanks in advance...

Re: PunBB website...

if i'm not mistaken it's just a home built site with a style and feeds for the latest posts on the right side. i'm sure he'll explain better. it's not a cms if that's what you are asking.

FluxBB - Less is more


Re: PunBB website...

If you do a search, Rickard explains what he uses for his site.

This is a clone of his site using Nucleus:

Re: PunBB website...

Thanks hcgtv, that skin for Nucleus looks really nice!
I will try to use that...