Topic: another status possible


we have the forum very new and really like it!!!

As we have a big forum for everybody and a small inner circle in the forum for our group, we still didnt work out, how to do that proper.

Right now we give everybody from our group the moderator status. that works so far but the disadvantage could be that now all of them have a lot rights. that is no problem for those who are little experienced with forum structures but there are also some who have no knowledge yet.

would be thankfull for a good trick.

Thanks SAM

Re: another status possible

this priblem will possibly be fixed in 1.2 with the user groups. i know that Rickard has made them, but weather they can have a forum to themselves, youd have to ask him.

$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);

Re: another status possible

Hello Gary,

thanks for answering. And when will there be the update, just about, 1 month or 6 months or tomorrow ;-)

Nice day SAM

Re: another status possible

Well, you can download the dev version right now to try out.
The User group system will indeed work perfectly for you wink

And to quote Rickard:

Rickard wrote:

Now I'm going to take a few days off from PunBB and hand things over to Paul so he can fine-tune the markup and CSS. Once that is done, I have a few "left-overs" that need to be dealt with, but it should only be a matter of days. I think I'll release a beta before the official 1.2 though. The beta will be feature complete, but it might have some bugs.

Re: another status possible

its a prerelease, not meant to be really 'used'.

i hope pres puts in forums for special groups, i havent seen it yet, but i could be missing it

$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);

Re: another status possible


does it work now, can we upgrade?

thanks SAM

Re: another status possible

its a beta release now - but i would wait since it won't be long till its released properly