Topic: Change forum URL

I had a phpBB forum installed in a folder called forum. I wanted to change it to PunBB, so I convertet. However, when I did, I had do install the new one in a different directory. I called it forums. Now I converted, and it seems like everything worked fine. But now, I want to change the url to the new forum to forum, instead of forums. Can i change the url without destorying the forum? How? And btw, I can delete the old phpBB forum now, right? No need it for it? I have to delete it, because it has the name of the folder that the new should have.

Thanks in advance. ^^

Re: Change forum URL

All you have to do is FTP into your site, and right click on the folder 'forums', then hit rename. Then type in 'forum'.

After you have converted it, the old folder is not needed. You can delete them.
Be sure to change the URL in admin options so you dont get referer errors.

$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);

Re: Change forum URL

Do that and then update "Base URL" in admin/options.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Change forum URL

I got it. Thanks a lot.