1 (edited by Ludo 2005-01-26 17:22)

Topic: problem with firefox - need help


I got small problems with my site with firefox. No problem with IE.
So I decided to ask you if you see something wrong in my code. Especially there is problem with the tables. Border are not always screened as you can see here http://www.pluriservices.net

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Re: problem with firefox - need help

It might be this: When you add borders to an element with CSS, the width of height of the border is added to the total width or height of the object. A box of 100px width with a border of 5px on al sides will become 110px wide (100 + 5 + 5).
There is a very annoying bug in IE5 which does not respect the CSS rules: http://tantek.com/CSS/Examples/boxmodelhack.html


Re: problem with firefox - need help

I do not have any problems when I use IE6.
The only problem I have is when I use firefox.
Do you think there could be a solution?


Re: problem with firefox - need help

I honestly have no idea, but please, get rid of that incredibly annoying JavaScript that alters the title.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: problem with firefox - need help

Rickard wrote:

get rid of that incredibly annoying JavaScript that alters the title.

I really recognize You Rickard when you say that smile


6 (edited by D9r 2005-01-27 03:57)

Re: problem with firefox - need help

Ludo wrote:

I do not have any problems when I use IE6.
The only problem I have is when I use firefox.
Do you think there could be a solution?

That would be funny if I hadn't heard it so many times already. wink  Lots of people say that.  However,...

You have it backwards.  Firefox is not doing anything wrong -- it's displaying the code exactly as you've written it.  Your problem is with IE6 because it's making adjustments it shouldn't be making.  In short, IE=BAD, Firefox=GOOD.  The first step towards the solution to your problem is to realize your problem is in fact with IE.

Then what you do is code for Firefox first.  After it displays correctly in firefox, go back and add the appropriate IE hacks to make it display correctly in IE without messing up the Firefox version.  See this punBB thread for links to the IE hacks.


Re: problem with firefox - need help

advincing my visitor to use IE would be the easier solution for me.



Re: problem with firefox - need help

I give up


Re: problem with firefox - need help

I've put a margin for my home page.
Now the problem is not permanent. In firefox (which give me problems) the borders are not screened. When I make a reload, they are screened. It's strange...
