1 (edited by herya 2005-02-09 14:28)

Topic: Maintenance login script not working

My bf logged me out when in maintenance mode (grr), I tried the script that is supposed to fix it but it's not working, I still see maintenance screen - what else can I do?

Is there any on/off option in forum database, how to access it with PHPmyAdmin?

Thank you!

Re: Maintenance login script not working

you will need to edit the maintenance mode on setting to 0 in the config table then delete your cache files in the cache folder


Re: Maintenance login script not working

Thank you VERY much indeed!

Re: Maintenance login script not working

Hmm. The script turn_off_maintenance_mode.php should clear the cache.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

5 (edited by herya 2005-02-09 23:52)

Re: Maintenance login script not working

It did not work - maybe because I took v1.2 script and my forum was earlier version?

Re: Maintenance login script not working

Well, yes. You must of course use the version of the script that matches your forum.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Maintenance login script not working

So I thought, but I had difficulty finding which version I have when forum was not accessible due to logout. Anyway database solution worked great.

Re: Maintenance login script not working

for future reference http://punbb.org/download/museum/

Re: Maintenance login script not working

I hope I'm just being an idiot here, but I can't bring my forums out of maintenence mode either. Here is what I did:

1. Move the 1.1.5 forums to a new location
2. Move the 1.2.1 forums to the /forums/ location
3. Run the upgrade to 1.2 and upgrade to 1.2.1 scripts
4. Note that I am somehow logged out and now see the 'Maintenence Mode' message
5. Run the 'turn_off_maintenance_mode.php' script included in 1.2.1, I never see anything but the maintenance message.

I have manually edited the o_maintenance value to 0 in the config table, it does not appear to have had any effect.

Anyone have any ideas?

Re: Maintenance login script not working

Ahh, deleting the cached config settings fixed everything right up.

Re: Maintenance login script not working

I'm curious, has anyone other than me been able to use turn_off_maintenance_mode.php successfully? It appears people are having problems with it all the time.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

12 (edited by Smartys 2005-02-13 22:35)

Re: Maintenance login script not working

I'll test it now...

Very odd. When I loaded the script it gave me the "You are in maintenence mode" message tongue
adding the line:

define('PUN_TURN_OFF_MAINT', 1);

fixed it, and the forum worked fine after I used it