Topic: modérators can not create forums ?


maybe I make a mistake but I don't find how I can autorize a member of the group "moderator" to create forums.
a moderator has to move topics from a forum to another, so why can't he create a forum if the "real" subjet of a topic doesn't exist yet ?



Re: modérators can not create forums ?

this would be a great mod but it does not exist in the default installation ...but if one knows a mod to do it or knows how to do a mod for it go ahead

Re: modérators can not create forums ?

but moderators moderate, they don't administrate

4 (edited by Ataxy 2005-03-18 21:05)

Re: modérators can not create forums ?

well they do administrate as they may delete and rearrange forum topic so why cant they also create forum if there given the permission to supply to the demand of the user in the forum that they are mod to in a way why couldnt a mod have some admin power

Re: modérators can not create forums ?

then you make them an admin?


Re: modérators can not create forums ?

well yes and no cuz lets say you want to give them only one of the admin capacity not all of them...

7 (edited by Smartys 2005-03-19 03:00)

Re: modérators can not create forums ?

Mmm, isn't this easy?
You just mod admin_forums.php to work for mods: should only be a line of code

Edit: Yup, a simple mod to make it show up on the admin sidebar thing and work for mods


if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_ADMIN)
    message($lang_common['No permission']);

Replace with

if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_ADMIN)
    message($lang_common['No permission']);



<?php endif; ?><?php if ($is_admin): ?>                    <li<?php if ($page == 'forums') echo ' class="isactive"'; ?>><a href="admin_forums.php">Forums</a></li>

Replace with:

<?php endif; ?>        <li<?php if ($page == 'forums') echo ' class="isactive"'; ?>><a href="admin_forums.php">Forums</a></li>

8 (edited by Ataxy 2005-03-19 03:48)

Re: modérators can not create forums ?

Smartys wrote:


if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_ADMIN)
    message($lang_common['No permission']);

Replace with

if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_ADMIN)
    message($lang_common['No permission']);

whats the difference beetwen the two

and also wont this give all the admin access to the mod cuz if so what i meant was more to create a user group based on the admin but not admin with different name so basicly they would be more of a lower admin then a full admin

9 (edited by Smartys 2005-03-19 03:57)

Re: modérators can not create forums ?

I meant to change it to pun_mod
and this just gives access to admin_forums.php to mods

Re: modérators can not create forums ?

but when they have created the forum they won't be able to moderate it will they?


Re: modérators can not create forums ?

well yes why wouldnt they i am an admin and i can mod the forum in my forum

Re: modérators can not create forums ?

when they create a forum an admin would have to give them access to moderate it in their profile

Re: modérators can not create forums ?

Connorhd is right wink


Re: modérators can not create forums ?

Connorhd wrote:

when they create a forum an admin would have to give them access to moderate it in their profile

ohhhh yeah sorry your right