1 (edited by forzaferrari 2005-04-21 15:25)

Topic: Problem with login on other computers

Hi all,

I have a weird problem with my installation of PunBB. It seems that my forum users sometimes have problem logging in to the website. When they enter their login details en press login, the forum redirect page comes up and says they have succesfully logged in and are being redirected. But when the forum index page shows up, they are still not logged in.

I've experienced this problem myself at school today using a Windows 2000 machine, and had the same issue when I tried to log in from my parents' computer, which is running Windows XP Pro SP2. When I try to log in on my own computer using again Windows XP Pro SP2 it works without any problem, so the issue is probably caused by some browser setting or something.

I've had several reports of this error to this moment and have no clue how I can fix it or what causes it. Does anyone of you ever heard of this, is it a known issue or am I just missing something? I've searched this forum, but wasn't able to find a solution.

Kind regards,

Edit: Ok, I think I know what causes the error. When I use my forward domain name (www.forzaferrari.net) I can not succesfully log in, but when I try to login from the real URL (which is http://snl42083.web09.talkactive.net/) it does work fine. I guess it's got something to do with opening the site in a frame? hmm

Re: Problem with login on other computers

yes theres a line in functions.php

    // Enable sending of a P3P header by removing // from the following line (try this if login is failing in IE6)
//    @header('P3P: CP="CUR ADM"');

make it

    // Enable sending of a P3P header by removing // from the following line (try this if login is failing in IE6)
    @header('P3P: CP="CUR ADM"');

Re: Problem with login on other computers

Thanx mate. It works like a charm. smile

Re: Problem with login on other computers

I got the same problem. I have edited functions.php but there still trouble to login. Well... my site can visit with or without www infront of my domain name. Sometime if I have trouble to login with www infront of my domain then I changed without www to login and fine! Is any other way round to fix this problem for IE? Thank you.

Web Development Service, New South Wales, Australia.

Re: Problem with login on other computers

Try editing cookie_domain in your config.php. Set it to .domain.com (yes, that's a dot in front of the domain name).

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Problem with login on other computers

Thank you. I have edited config.php and I think that would fine. Because once I have really successfully logged in then I can logout - login again and logout and login with no trouble. The problem starts when I logged out and shut down my PC or restart my PC then I cannot log in again. But there is not always having this trouble... only sometime and sometime is really bad that I can't even try anyway to login. Kindly let me post if I have another time trouble with this problem. Thanks again.

Web Development Service, New South Wales, Australia.

Re: Problem with login on other computers

Rickard wrote:

Try editing cookie_domain in your config.php. Set it to .domain.com (yes, that's a dot in front of the domain name).

Thanks a lot Rickard. This solved my problem about login.
I appreciated of your support very much.

Web Development Service, New South Wales, Australia.