Topic: Missing 'NEW' icons...

Hi there...

My forum seems to totally lack the icons that notify you when there's a new post.

Does anyone know how I might fix this?

THanks in advance,

Re: Missing 'NEW' icons...

Have you changed anything in the .CSS files?

Re: Missing 'NEW' icons...

nope.  I updated to 1.2.5; did the two fixes; and removed all but the oxygen.css file from the style folder as I dont want users to be able to change thier own style

Re: Missing 'NEW' icons...

darren131 wrote:

nope.  I updated to 1.2.5; did the two fixes; and removed all but the oxygen.css file from the style folder as I dont want users to be able to change thier own style

In that case, you're using some outdated CSS files. I forced your site to use the default PunBB Oxygen style, and sure enough; the post icons came back.

Re-upload the css files from the 1.2.5 package, and the problem should be solved.


Re: Missing 'NEW' icons...

There was a change to the css and markup between versions 1.2.0 and 1.2.1. If you are using the stylesheets from version 1.2.0 then the icons will not work.

Re: Missing 'NEW' icons...

Thanks for the help.  I replaced the css with the one from this forum - all good! smile