Topic: Defying Md5..

Rumors say that md5 is un-decryptable.

Now, after a few hours of trying to figure out how md5 worked, I came up with this idea.

I first tried to copy currently existing md5 decryptor script, of course, none of them worked, simply because md5 IS undecryptable.

My system does is a decryptor, but it's the probably the closest anyone came to creating a working decryptor.

It uses a database, it's actually quite simple..

I made a script that added thousands of words to the database. I then bumped into another problem..

I never thought, for example, aaa, AAA, aAa, AaA, Aaa, aaA, aAa, ect, would give different values.

It would be way too complicated for me to create a script that would add all of those into a database, so right now, in database there is all 3 letters word, in caps and in non-caps and few 4 letter words, again in caps and in non-caps.
For example you will find:
HI and hi, but not Hi or hI.

I also added an encryptor onto the page, if you want to encrypt a word, you simply need to type in the word into the correct field.

Enjoy the encryptor, all comments+suggestions are accepted! (hate posts?)

Re: Defying Md5..

bit crap really, do you realise the number of possibilites for a password of say 8 characters? (if you only have numbers and letters its 218340105584896)

even 6 characters is bad at 56800235584

Re: Defying Md5..

You might want to read a bit more about MD5, wikipedia is a good start. The article even includes links to some serious MD5 password databases.

Re: Defying Md5..

This has been done many times; Just google 'MD5 Database'.