Topic: no registration + no index


I want to create an open forum, without registration. How do I do this?

And I have only one forum, so I don't want the index site and not the index>> path. How do I hide it?


2 (edited by xshare 2005-07-06 23:23)

Re: no registration + no index

I'm trying to do this also. Also about to post a thread and then saw this one. I also just want to be able to get the index>> thing. I can just go in and change the link in the navbar, but the index>> path I'm lost as to how to hide it. I'm trying to figure out what php file it's in.

As far as no registration goes, you can just let all guests post, that's what I do. My problem is that guests don't have quickpost. Is there any way to let guests quickpost?

Edit: did some codehacking and managed to make the quickpost appear to everyone, including guests. I then figured the next logical step was to make it so if it's a guest, it shows the "Username, Email" dialog it shows guests in post.php when they post for real.  I managed to get the input fields there, (with some lang file issues, but I just overrode the lang files by using regular english instead of pulling the name from the lang file). I used the following code right above the quickpost textbox:

<label class="conl"><strong>Name:</strong><br /><input type="text" name="req_username" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['req_username'])) echo pun_htmlspecialchars($username); ?>" size="25" maxlength="25" tabindex="<?php echo $cur_index++ ?>" /><br /></label>
                        <label class="conl"><strong>Email:</strong><br /><input type="text" name="<?php echo $email_form_name ?>" value="<?php if (isset($_POST[$email_form_name])) echo pun_htmlspecialchars($email); ?>" size="50" maxlength="50" tabindex="<?php echo $cur_index++ ?>" /><br /></label>

I had 3 major disabling problems though:
1st: Although it would parse the username: (it got to post.php, seemed like it did POST the username), it wouldn't parse and POST the email, and then gave an error about the email, even if I had something filled in the email field of the above. "The e-mail address you entered is invalid." and wouldn't have anything in the email field in the post.php page.

2nd: I *could not* get this peice of code to work. In post.php, it's right above the code I used above, to make the input boxes. Every time I tried, it gave me an error about an unexpected $ and wouldn't even pull up viewthread.php:


if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
    $email_label = ($pun_config['p_force_guest_email'] == '1') ? '<strong>'.$lang_common['E-mail'].'</strong>' : $lang_common['E-mail'];
    $email_form_name = ($pun_config['p_force_guest_email'] == '1') ? 'req_email' : 'email';


3rd: It showed up for logged in users also, which is bad. This might have to do with the above code, which has somethign about "if user is guest".

This is for a temporary site, so I'm totally cool with band-aiding  the problem and not hitting it at the source ( like I did with the lang file). If I can only get it to POST the email, and thus not give me an error, and then only show up for guests and not logged in, it'd work great and be amazing, and I'd even look up how to turn that into a mod so everyone else can make use of it. (I like to give back, even though I only heard of PunBB 2 hours ago)