Topic: RSS Feed

I created a 'private' forum, but I have a public RSS feed available on my index page.  The private forum is only viewable by a certain user group.  Without digging through the code, it appears that the RSS feed does not pick up my private forum, but I wanted to make sure that's really the case and there isn't some sort of hack you can use in whatever is building the feed to get at the content of what I would like to keep private.

Does this make sense?


Re: RSS Feed

the rss feed has guest permissions by default, you can specify a username and password i think to access private forums


Re: RSS Feed

Good deal.  So the only way to get at a non-public forum via RSS feed is if you have the uid/pwd of someone in the user group assigned to the private forum, correct?


Re: RSS Feed

yes afaik wink


Re: RSS Feed

I've searched around out here a bit, but haven't really come across a concrete solution for this.

What is the preferred/best method for exporting the first N chars of a post via RSS feed, vs. just the topic headline and who composed it (default behavior)?


Re: RSS Feed

Get this rss.php file, look towards the end where mods were made by Daniel:
