Topic: Entering to multiple MySQL tables

Hey there, I currently use two different users tables on my site, the forums is one and then there's a separate one for my CMS. I was wondering how I could modify PunBB so that when a user registers, it automatically posts the information into both the tables. Username/Password. Thanks!

Re: Entering to multiple MySQL tables

Any help?


Re: Entering to multiple MySQL tables

In Nucleus we did it the other way, when someone registers in Nucleus, a user is written out to PunBB.

What CMS are you using?

Re: Entering to multiple MySQL tables

It's a custom CMS that me and a friend made together, I have access to all of the source code. I designed it, he did most of the coding. I really don't matter which way it goes, as long as there is a way to enter the user into both databases, so that they are symetrical.


Re: Entering to multiple MySQL tables

Ok, then grab this plugin from Nucleus and maybe you could use is as a guide for your CMS. - … 2Fnucleus/

Re: Entering to multiple MySQL tables

I've got a way to do it, I figured it out on my own and its really quite simple. I'll get you the code if you would like to try a very simple way.

Re: Entering to multiple MySQL tables

Can you please give the code?