Topic: Move Post or Login as User


I setup punbb, but I'm finding that sometimes my users post in a thread that should really be a new topic.  I need the ability to move a post to a new Topic.

Alternatively, if I could just login as that user and delete the post, and re-post in a new topic, that would work too. 

Is there such a feature in the works?  Or is there a hack out there for either of the above?


Re: Move Post or Login as User

Beneath the post, on your bottom left, you have some options
"delete this topic"
"move this topic"
"Close this topic"
"Scotch this topic"

Orange color is your answer ...


Re: Move Post or Login as User

Rod: He wants to move individual posts, that option only allows moving whole topics.


Re: Move Post or Login as User

I found the split topic mod, and did a little tweaking to get it to work with punbb 1.2.  It's EXACTLY what I want to do.  I hope it gets rolled into the next punbb release!


Re: Move Post or Login as User

Few forums do it, indeed ...

Re: Move Post or Login as User

t2 wrote:

I found the split topic mod, and did a little tweaking to get it to work with punbb 1.2.  It's EXACTLY what I want to do.  I hope it gets rolled into the next punbb release!

Hey t2,  Can you share your tweaked version of the mod?