Topic: Encoding troubles with a few messages (french forum)

I just noticed that a few messages are not well written on my forum.
Instead of well encode messages (in french) generally posted, it gives weird encoded text not easy to read.

The trouble seems to come from the "previsualiser / preview" option.
After a preview, encoding start being wrong (and mot in other cases)

Could you help me to find the bug ?


Re: Encoding troubles with a few messages (french forum)

If you want an example of this : … php?id=325

Re: Encoding troubles with a few messages (french forum)

Your template is screwed. … e/main.tpl

For some reason, some of the PunBB replacement variables have been htmlspecialchars()'ed. E.g: charset=<pun_char_encoding>

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Encoding troubles with a few messages (french forum)

Thank you Rickard, i didn't noticed it.
I change it and see if it was the cause.

Re: Encoding troubles with a few messages (french forum)

One more time, thank you very much.

Long life to PunBB and his creator !