Topic: From phpBB to punBB - Members reactions
I have just converted my board at to punBB. Although I opened the discussion to the moderators group and, later, in the open board for all the members to give their opinion, I still get a few members complaining about the change.
While I never expected to please everyone with this choice, I don't understand why people complain so much about something we do that we are really convinced was the best decision. Although they are only a few, I seem to be running out of arguments with some, to whom, in my opinion, it's all resumed to the fact that they were used to phpBB and nothing else.
I believe many of you have also been through this process and what I'm looking for is to have an open discussion on how to minimalize the side effects on members (and the board itself) of changing the software.
If we all share our experiences, maybe we can help all the others thinking about doing the same.
Thank you.